Forsester Green Publishing

Offering authors an unriveld eBook service

Forester Green Publishing offers writers of art, social and specialist military history genres a platform to publish their works through an eBook, or more traditional print service. Forester Green Publishing allows writers to generate fantastic royalties from their works, from an all-inclusive book design, unique ISBN allocation, to an easy-to-access online sales service.

If you wish to know more about what Forester Green Publishing can do for you, please drop us a line via the contact form on the front page, and let's start the journey.

Forester Green Publishing will not charge you a penny for our services should you decide to publish with us. Can't say fairer than that. 

I... am a veteran

A positive veteran self-representation project

I... am a Veteran is the collection of over one hundred images and stories that formed part of a positive veteran self-representation project from 2015 until 2019. Supported by the Ministry of Defence, the veteran community, and others, I... featured UK veterans from all over the globe; each one's photo and story is included in this title sitting alongside examples of work used to promote the project. It will also feature the art work of veterans that featured in a unique 2016 exhibition.

Please click on the image to go to the project website.

The release date is set for September 2024, so keep an eye out for further news. The title ISBN is 978-1-7394841-9-4.


The Drey Cottage Review

A new quaterley featuring vintage and contemporay content

Running alongside our eBook range, we are pleased to announce the imminent arrival of The Drey Cottage Review, a quarterly eZine that will feature a selection of thought-provoking and informative multi-genre articles and occasional short stories. The Drey Cottage Review will also feature vintage pieces that will allow us to glimpse into ideas from the past that will add flavour and colour to The Drey Cottage Review.
Please keep checking in for updates, including a launch date, as they happen.

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